Asbestos Hazards For Construction

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Asbestos Hazards for Construction Course

Asbestos Hazards For Construction

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 30 Minutes

Location: Online

Overview & Objectives

Although banned for new applications since 1989, asbestos was once a common component in many building materials, including insulation, roofing products, paints, and floor and ceiling tiles. Without proper safety measures, workers exposed to asbestos hazards may experience breathing difficulties, inflammatory conditions, mesothelioma and other cancers.

This makes it essential for construction workers to know the dangers of asbestos exposure and how to stay safe on the job. The Asbestos Hazards for Construction course from Exceed Safety provides basic asbestos training in accordance with OSHA standards for construction to keep workers safe and help stay compliant with all relevant State and Federal regulations.

Participants in the Asbestos Hazards for Construction course will learn about asbestos hazards in the construction industry, including:

  • Essential facts about asbestos
  • OSHA regulations and classifications
  • The designation and responsibilities of an asbestos Competent Person (CP)
  • Testing and control
  • Appropriate respiratory protection
  • Responsibilities for workplace safety
  • Symptoms of asbestos exposure
  • Medical surveillance and when to seek treatment

Upon completion of the course, participants will be prepared to recognize and avoid asbestos hazards. Additionally, they will understand how to take appropriate measures to reduce their risk while working on construction sites.

Who is this Course for?

This course is appropriate for employees who work on sites where asbestos is used. It may be taken by construction workers, as well as foremen and supervisors who are responsible for ensuring workplace safety.

Features & Benefits

After completing the Asbestos Hazards for Construction course, you will understand best practices for working around asbestos and the dangers of uncontrolled exposure. Additionally, students will learn the importance of monitoring their health for signs of asbestos-related disease and seeking medical treatment immediately if symptoms arise.