California Young Workers Safety And Health For Supervisors

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California Young Workers Safety And Health For Supervisors

California Young Workers Safety And Health For Supervisors

  • Level: Introductory
  • Duration: 55 minutes
  • Location: Online or In-Person

Overview & Objectives

California businesses employ nearly 2.9 million workers between the ages of 16 and 24, and statistics show that younger workers are twice as likely to be injured than their adult counterparts. Awareness of potential hazards, proper procedures, and training creates a strong safety culture in the workplace.

The California Young Workers Safety and Health for Supervisors training from Exceed Safety is an introductory-level online training designed to provide supervisorial participants with essential knowledge and information, tools, and effective strategies needed to create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for young employees within the state of California.

Exceed Safety’s California Young Workers Safety and Health for Supervisors training is designed to benefit all California-based workplaces that employ younger workers who may need to bolster a stronger workplace culture. Specific course topics include the following:

  • Safety awareness issues specific to young workers
  • The process of hazard recognition, evaluation, and control
  • What to do in a workplace emergency.
  • Factors affecting the wellness and well-being of young workers
  • California employer responsibilities regarding young workers
  • Links to additional information and assistance
  • Knowledge checks to measure your understanding

Who Is This Course For?

The California Young Workers Safety and Health for Supervisors course from Exceed Safety is designed for nearly all workplaces and industries in California who may employee a younger staff. Supervisorial individuals from the following industries may benefit from this training:

  • Construction
  • Trade & Transportation
  • Warehousing
  • General Industry
  • Manufacturing

If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, call Exceed Safety at (919) 728-SAFE (7233) or Contact Us online.

Features & Benefits

Exceed Safety’s California Young Workers Safety and Health for Supervisors training is designed to be taken at the individual’s own pace. Designed specifically for supervisorial participants employing individuals between the ages of 18 and 24, this course helps supervisors foster a safer work environment. Upon completion of this course, participants can expect to:

  • Explain safety awareness issues specific to young workers
  • Describe the process of hazard recognition, evaluation, and control
  • Discuss what to do in a workplace emergency
  • Identify factors affecting the wellness and well-being of young workers
  • Define California employer responsibilities regarding young workers
  • Find additional resources for information and assistance